On Swains Island |
(Click On Photo To Enlarge) |
20-September-2012 |
AA4NN At The Laundromat |
Sula, Uti, Rowena - The Cooks |
Swains Island Shower |
Cecil & N6HC Play Checkers |
All Packed And Ready To Go |
NH8S Operating Team |
18-September-2012 |
Swains Motel |
Swains Motel |
Dinner At The Swains Cafe |
Hermit Crab Races |
Look At That Guy Move! |
And We Have A Winner! |
Shift Change On CW Station |
Swainish Meatball Dinner |
Rowena, Ursula Grilling Chicken |
Blow Holes At Low Tide |
CW Operators Overnight |
SSB Operators Overnight |
Swains Power & Light |
Tim, Chief Island Engineer |
Carl, K9CS After CW Shift |
SM5AQD & W8TN On SSb |
Arnie, N6HC nods off |
Followed by Tom, ND2T
Then Craig, K9CT |
Alan, K5AB At Lunch |
15-September-2012 |
Alan, K5AB and Clark, W8TN |
Tom, ND2T At Lunch |
Heavy Planning Meeting |
Swains Sunset |
Alan, K5AB Operates SSB |
NA6M's Light Bulb Dummy Load |
Making Repairs To Marine Ant. |
Measuring Resonant Frequency |
SM5AQD Tries Coconut Crab |
W6KK Catches Some ZZZs |
Hal, W8HC |
NA6M Sending Logs To K6MM |
The Swains Washroom |
80M SSB Antenna Bent In Wind |
K9CT Moves he 15M SVDA |
Arnie, N6HC Working The Pileup
13-September-2012 |
WB9Z crimps a connector
NH8S Mascot Under Palm Tree
NH8S Mascot running 6M
Swains Petroleum |
Mahi Mahi For Dinner |
AA4NN Enjoys Coconut Water |
Mike, K9NW |
Charlie, W6KK On A Break
DL3DXX Hitches A Ride |
Collecting Rain Water |
Swains Wash & Fold |
David Jennings Coconut Crab |
Coconut Crab Closeup |
Putting Up The 6M Beam |
Many Flags Of The Operation |
11-September-2012 |

DL3DXX Washing Clothes |

Local Crab - Station Mascot |

Lou, N2TU Working CW |

David, N6HD See A Rainstorm |

The Swains Cafe |

160M Antenna Raising |

Joe, W8GEX Cooling Off |

The SSB Tent |

Mark, NA6M Fixes It |
09-September-2012 |
Mark, NA6M Steering Lady Naomi |
Mark, NA6M Maritime Mobile |
Swains Island |
Land Ho! |
Getting Closer |
There's The Beach |
Nice Ride - CU In 2 Weeks |
Barry, 9V1FJ |
Alan, K5AB Adjusting Paddles |
Craig, K9CT Testing Radio |
David, N6HD and Jerry, WB9Z |
Fresh Fish |
David Jennings |
Tom, ND2T Connects Coax |
SSB Antenna Farm |
Dietmar, DL3DXX |
Joe, W8GEX
Hal, W8HC, Alex Jennings |
(Click On Photo To Enlarge) |
NA6M + K5AB: Texas to HNL |
Honolulu Airport |
Honolulu: Meeting For Dinner |
Jet To American Samoa |
Waiting To Board #3 |
Pre-Trip: Testing & Shipping Equipment
(Click On Photo To Enlarge) |
July 17, 2012. Arnie, N6HC, packing pallets, loading the truck, and away it goes. |
July 10, 2012: Testing All Equipment Before Shipping To Swains Island |
Working in 105° South Carolina heat, Tom, N4XP and Paul, W6XA Test All Equipment Before Shipping |
July 1, 2012: New Lexan Patch Panels |
Kankakee Area Radio Society (KARS) President Bill N9OE (left) and Clay (N9IO) after completion of two 18" x 24" 1/4" Lexan coaxial patch panels for the Swains DXpedition. |