Send your questions to:
Q. What is the IOTA designation for Swains Island?
A. OC-200
Q. What is the Grid Location for Swains Island?
A. Grid is AH48lw
Q. Does Swains Island count for Diamond DXCC?
A. No. QSOs with NH8S (Swains Island) do not qualify for any Diamond DXCC entities. Only contacts made with stations on American Samoa (KH8) qualify for DDXCC entity American Samoa. See ARRL comment for Samoa.
Q. What is the Band Plan for the operation?
A. See our detailed Band Plan HERE
Q. What will Propgagation FROM Swains Island be like?
A. See our customized Propagation Charts for each band HERE
Q. Will you be on 6M EME?
A. Maybe later in the dxpedition. WSJT JT65A 50.195 NH8S TX 1st Listening up...spread out. When at moonrise up to 20 degrees. We will post on website when ready for EME. We will not be on internet live. QSOs will be uploaded to Clublog.
Q. What is the site layout?
A. Two sites on the beach, approximately 1500 feet apart. Layout for the CW site is shown below. The SSB/RTTY site is identical, except there is no 160M antenna.

Q. What are the Antennas? Transceivers? Amplifiers? Logging Software?
A1. Antennas
SVDA (Switchable Vertical Dipole Arrays) for 10, 12, 15, 17, 20M
Yagi's for 6, 10, 12M
Verticals for 30, 40, 80M
Inverted V for 60M
Titanex 160M Vertical
4-Square and Beverage RX antennas
A2. Transceivers are ICOM 7600
A3. Amplifiers are Elecraft KPA500
A4. Logging software is N1MM |