ClubLog will be used for our online log service.
Important: Please note the header in ClubLog: "XXXXX QSOs logged up to DD/Sep/2012 hh:mmZ"
This means that QSOs from the DXpedition have been uploaded through that date & time only. QSOs that you have in your log AFTER that date & time will appear in ClubLog AFTER the next upload of files. When that happens, the date & time will automatically be updated.
Update: 12-September-2012 @22030 UTC
Note: Originally the goal was to upload logs twice a day. Practically, however, it's been difficult for them to coordinate gathering logs because of:
(1) the intense pileups which require interrupting the operators. Not easy during these first few days of the DXpedition with all the pressure to satisfy the demand for QSOs.
(2) The Environment: Intense heat: > 104° F every day -- makes it very difficult to do anything quickly. Distance between operating tents = 1500 ft. = 1/4 of a mile, over hot white sand and coral. A 20-minute walk each way.
(3) poor internet connection via satellite phone. The connection isn't very strong or stable.
As soon as the log files are received, ClubLog is updated immediately. We just have to be patient and wait for their email communication, which is varies from day-to-day.
Another great Cluster network is
73, John - K6MM